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So, how do I grow my email list if I shouldn’t purchase one?

At the 2016 emfluence email conference, there was a running joke throughout many of the presentations around the idea that it’s never a good idea to purchase email lists.


We’ve mentioned it once or twice here on the AWG Marketing blog, but we’ve never suggested alternative methods for growing your email list. To remedy that, here are a few ways you can grow your list organically:

  1. Lightbox on your website
    Emfluence claimed at the conference they see a 400% increase in list growth through lightboxes placed on website homepages. What’s a lightbox? A simple pop-up that encourages the user to subscribe to your email list.
  2. Contact Us Page
    Include a link to subscribe on your website. Your “contact us” page is good spot for that. If people can send you a message on the contact us page, ask for their email and permission to send them marketing messages.
  3. Social Media
    Encourage your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers to sign up to receive your emails. If they like you on social, they are interested in hearing about what you have to say and offer them.
  4. CRM
    Have a loyalty program? Chances are, you have those customers’ email addresses.

One of the best parts about email marketing is that the people who sign up want to hear from you. These methods of growing your email list allow you to gain contacts who want to hear from you. Have you ever received an email from a company you didn’t give permission to email you? It’s annoying. Sending to only people who actively gave you their email address saves you money and your reputation.

Why do I work at AWG? “I love being a part of a fun team that creates unique ways to help independent grocery stores grow their businesses. It combines a few of my favorite things: marketing, food, and fun. Who doesn’t want to talk about food all day?” -Jimmy